Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Picture me Rollin...

Remember when I was wah-wahing about getting this new ride? Well friends, lay your worries to rest because I've adjusted well. And it has nothing to do with the salesperson telling me it looked just like the Mercedes SUV. I would've thought it was a sales tactic....until my sis piped in with the same observation. So truth be told.....I bought a knock-off Mercedes. Anything to boost my ego. But my questions regarding "the" Mercedes:

-Can you smash a Razor in your trunk with only the push of a button?
-Can you cut back on quality family time by playing the Wii in the Mercedes?
-Can you smash your fingers in the door with the push of a button?

-Can your kids leave the doors open time and time again because they only have to push a button?
-Can you almost lose your whole head while loading groceries with only the push of a button, meanwhile turn around to see your cart on a full sprint through the parking lot?

I don't think so.

There is just one area of adjustment I'm working on....I feel weird rolling around blaring my 93.5 in the Odyssey. But when a little Snoop Dogg or Too Short or B.I.G. comes on, there is no choice but to blare. Zip your lips with the scolding por favor....it's my guilty indulgence. I should be a 17-year-old in the LBC sometime circa 1980. Instead you got a 30-something in the Palisades in 2011. Some how this might feel more appropriate in ......anything but a white minivan.


Cami @ All Things Lovely said...

Baaaahaha...i loooooove it because A- that you live in total suburbia rockin snoop in a white mini van. B- that your children could decapitate you at any time while your loading groceries. C- that is really does look like the mercedes suv...and girl you know I love a god knock off!

It's an awesome swagger wagon...you look good in it!

PacPaliGoulds said...

don't back up!! Deeters behind your mini van!! I love my gray mini with roof racks!

Kady said...

You make it look hot girl!

Rachel said...

you say what i feel. cyber fives to white mini's!! my reflection in the drive-up window two years later still catches me off guard ;)

Laura said...

matt told me i look totally hot in my minivan, and i believe him.