Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ok I vowed to update my blog, but to be honest... no new material. I'm drawing a blank. Our computer is down so no way to upload pics. See that's one of the inconveniences, if you will, of also having a lab top. Throws the incentive to get the desk top fixed right out the front door. But if I did have a working computer I would show you lovely pictures of the day and a half I spent in San Francisco with neither kids nor husband. Now that is actually false because even though I lugged the camera around with me the whole time, I didn't take a single shot. Su-prise, but who has time to take pics when you're eating near constantly and on a mad shopping mission. Much to my husband's relief, the shopping mission wasn't for me. Although I did find a thing or two for my growing self. There is a thing or two that I have learned about adjusting to the pregnant body. 1)Do not wash any of your jeans for as long as possible. They will grow right along with you. That being said, I think we're going on a good 2 months of dirty jeans. And couldn't be happier about it. I like my jeans and would prefer staying in them until I am about to snap buttons. That's an exaggeration because, now that I am on baby #3, I really value comfort a lot more than I did before. Unfortunately I didn't find out about the belly band until recently cuz it really would have opened up options for month 3 and 4. Shoot, and probably even 2. I guess I really don't have a point number 2, even though I would stress comfort. Like Kady said, when you have on maternity or more comfy clothes you don't feel that extra 5 lbs that seems to creep on every other week.
Other pics would be of the beautiful weather we've been enjoying here in Southern California. I don't know how we are in the heat while everyone else is in a deep freeze, but it is some phenomenon. And we all know how weather affects the soul, and my soul is much appreciative of the Vitamin D. So hopefully our internet gets fixed soon and I become more blog-energetic to keep this thing a titch more interesting....


Luke and Ali Stewart said...

I can't wait till you find out what it is!!!

Lindsay said...

How come I didn't even know you were pregnant? Did I miss a post? When are you due, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Lant Family said...

I would have not known you were pregnant if I didn't chat with you on IM the other day! So you find out soon I think today what you are having! I didnt even think of not washing my pants--good thinking :)

Kady said...

I better get a text later today. We can't wait. BTW- I'm thinking of busting my maternity clothes out just so I don't feel left out.

Jen said...

I guess you "bought" your 3rd baby hu? CONGRATS!

Cassi said...

Totally hear you on the comfort factor! Outfits that normally would not be worn out of the house have now become everyday attire...needless to say I look fantastic ;-) I absolutely loathe my jeans. In fact I went to buy some of those new secret fit jeans from Motherhood (I have some capris like them and they are heaven!) and of course, every single one was about and inch too short and lucky for me, they don't carry longs, even online. I guess tall people don't get pregnant?!

The day to find out is soon approaching, is it not? Can't wait to hear!

Jess said...

Gay you are SO cute!! I saw you pregnant with Porter though and pretty sure you won't need maternity clothes for a while ..... Also I think you find out what you are having today!? Let us know!!!!!!!!

brookeisacrazylady said...

i didn't know your were prego..when is your due date?

congrats. welcome to the majors.

Javid Family said...

How far along are you? Man EVERYONE is having babies! All the girls in my family are having a baby this year! Kim just had one last monday, I am having mine March 4th, Shelly is due in May, Jen and Megan are due a week apart in August! Crazy huh! Well congrats! I love reading your blog! I can totally hear your voice as I read the entries and it makes me smile! So Cha-cha now Gay!

Javid Family said...

(Cha-cha again)

Anonymous said...

helloooo...did I miss a post too? I could have sworn you didn't post anything about it. Congratulations!

xcdenke said...

Sounds fun, not the pregnant part, but the shopping all by yourself part. Ahh... one can dream.