That being said, I'm updating my blog!!! Yeah. So what do I have to give you? Mucho. These are my handsome boys all ready to go to church. I'll tell you what, in my eyes, they are quite the lookers. I was laughing though, because we get all ready to go to church, we get there, sit down, and I swear all hell breaks loose. Both boys are squirming out of my arms trying to get to the aisle where freedom awaits them. I tackle Dallin down, give Porter a bottle and feel like maybe things have settled down. Well, they did... for about 5 minutes. After Porter finished his bottle, he was on a mission. Porter's personality is just that by the way... he has a mission. So when he gets his mind on something, it isn't easy to deter him from accomplishing it. And today there was just no stopping him. I take him to the back of the room to stand and listen, but that wasn't cutting it. I finally take him to the foyer where Dallin has somehow joined us. At some point the white flag was raised. Do whatever you want kids, just stay alive and don't bother me!! Ha ha, just kidding. But it was definitely one of those hours. If they could only behave as nicely as they look, things would be well!!
So on Friday we were watching TV when a Sonic commercial came on for their new Chocolate Malt Shake. They give a very solid advertisement, leaving your mouth watering. (Did I mention the closest one to us is like an hour away? I think it is pretty cruel for them to air those commercials here,but that's a whole different story!) Anyway, they give their ending line, "Sonic's got 'em, some don't" or however it goes. Well upon hearing that, Dallin turns to me with big ole eyes and says, "Mom... I want a chocolate shake." The intonation in his voice was perfect. I was like, "Absolutely, who wouldn't after that!" After Yosh got home from work, we all loaded up and went to Mel's Diner for a fantastic chocolate shake.
Last but not least, I know those of you that know I got braces but haven't seen my have just been dying for a pic with the new gear!! Ha ha, but here it is.....
The end result better be worth because as of right now, I just feel like all of my teeth are going to fall out. Let's hope that is not the case!
Anyway, stay tuned for the much anticipated Halloween pics. My little Cookie Monster and Elmo are a cute little match marching around!